starring: Natalie Wood, Norman Kraft
starring: Alan Napier, Natalie Wood, Moyna MacGill, Nelson Welch, Linda Green
Directed by Richard Irving
Esta reliquia de los primeros días de la televisión estadounidense, un episodio antológico aparentemente filmado en película pero con los escasos valores de producción de la televisión en vivo, tiene cierta ambición en su concepto suavizado de "Otra vuelta de tuerca" y en la actuación de la joven Natalie Wood en su faceta más vulnerable y atractiva. Su tío Napier la está educando en su casa aislada, cuando la visita del vicario local Welch revela los siniestros secretos de la casa. ¡Ajá! Hay un intento de estilo en la cámara móvil inicial, material no verbal, que sugiere engañosamente que Natalie es muda. Es difícil imaginar que el talentoso Fredricks posterior contribuya con estas imágenes monótonas.
This relic from the early days of US Television, an anthology episode apparently shot on film but with the meager production values of live TV, has some ambition in its blanded down "Turn of the Screw" concept and the performance from young Natalie Wood at her most vulnerable-appealing. She is being home schooled in the isolated house by uncle Napier, when the visit of local vicar Welch reveals the house's sinister secrets - aha! There is an attempts at style in the opening mobile camera, non verbal material - which misleadingly suggests that Natalie is mute. Hard to imagine the later accomplished Fredricks contributing these drab images.
Natalie Wood, Dean Jagger, Ann Harding
Paul Hartman as Albie Morrison
Fay Wray as Catherine Morrison
Natalie Wood as Ann Morrison
Bobby Hyatt as Junior Morrison
Directed by Bob Finkel
Natalie Wood, Dean Jagger, Ann Harding
Paul Hartman as Albie Morrison
Fay Wray as Catherine Morrison
Natalie Wood as Ann Morrison
Bobby Hyatt as Junior Morrison
Directed by Bob Finkel
Hartman interpreta a Albie Morrison, el padre y cabeza de familia propenso a cometer errores, en quien se centran la mayoría de los episodios. Albie trabaja en la sección de publicidad de su periódico local y a menudo tiene nuevas ideas que salen mal en el lugar de trabajo, así como actividades de mantenimiento fallidas en casa. Wray, recordada en particular por su papel en la película de terror King Kong, interpreta a la esposa de Albie, Catherine. Natalie Wood es la hija de 15 años, Ann, y "Bobby" Hyatt (1939-2007) es el hijo de 14 años, Junior Morrison. Larry J. Blake apareció catorce veces en el papel de "Frank". Billboard describió el papel principal de Hartman como "promedio"; de hecho, la serie intentó presentar a la "familia promedio". Las estrellas invitadas incluyeron a Tol Avery, Barbara Billingsley, Douglas Fowley, Frank Ferguson (cinco veces como Murdock), Lyle Talbot, Steven Terrell (cinco veces como Tom) y Joey D. Vieira (seis episodios como Hollis).
Hartman portrays Albie Morrison, the father and error-prone head of the household, about whom most of the episodes are centered. Albie works in the advertising section of his local newspaper, and he often has new ideas that go awry in the workplace as well as failed handyman activities at home. Wray, remembered in particularly from her role in the horror film King Kong, plays Albie's wife, Catherine. Natalie Wood is the 15-year-old daughter, Ann, and "Bobby" Hyatt (1939–2007) is the 14-year-old son, Junior Morrison. Larry J. Blake appeared fourteen times in the role of "Frank". Billboard described Hartman's lead role as "average"; indeed the series attempted to present the "average family." Guest stars included Tol Avery, Barbara Billingsley, Douglas Fowley, Frank Ferguson (five times as Murdock), Lyle Talbot, Steven Terrell (five times as Tom), and Joey D. Vieira (six episodes as Hollis).
I´M A FOOL (1954)
starring James Dean ....... the Boy Natalie Wood ..... Lucy Roy Glenn ........ Burt Eve March ........ Mother Leon Tyler ....... Wilbur Gloria Castillo .. Elinor Fiona Hale ....... Mildred Directed by Don Medford
En este breve drama, James Dean se enfrenta a la inquieta juventud de Sherwood Anderson en Ohio. "I'm a Fool" del escritor Anderson apareció originalmente en su colección "Horses and Men"; y se sabe que el autor influyó en John Steinbeck, autor de "East of Eden". El Sr. Dean completó la versión cinematográfica de "Eden" del escritor Steinbeck durante el verano (aún no se había estrenado). Natalie Wood aparece en este "Fool", en el papel de la joven de la que Dean se enamora. La Sra. Wood pronto comenzaría a filmar "Rebel Without a Cause"; por lo tanto, esta es casi una "prueba" para "Rebel". En un evento completamente no relacionado, "Fool" fue rehecha para PBS, en 1976, con Ron Howard y Amy Irving; aunque la Sra. Irving apareció casi simultáneamente en la biografía de William Bast "James Dean".
En "I'm a Fool", Dean interpreta a "The Boy", también conocido como "Walter Mathers", junto con la narración en pantalla de Eddie Albert del mismo personaje. Es una yuxtaposición interesante, pero no del todo exitosa. Aunque ambos actúan bien, Dean y Albert no parecen realmente el mismo personaje. La obra también es "impresionista" en su técnica; por ejemplo, verás a los personajes caminando por escenarios parciales y pintados. Esto, a veces, distrae de la historia, que trata sobre las consecuencias de las mentiras de Dean para impresionar a "Lucy Wessen" de Wood. Wood actúa excepcionalmente bien con Dean, y se ven geniales juntos; esta no era una característica común en las coprotagonistas femeninas de Dean en la televisión. Wood fue contratado sabiamente para aparecer con Dean en la pantalla grande.
In this short drama, James Dean takes on Sherwood Anderson's restless Ohio youth. Writer Anderson's "I'm a Fool" originally appeared in his collection "Horses and Men"; and, the author is known to have influenced John Steinbeck, who authored of "East of Eden". Mr. Dean completed the film version of writer Steinbeck's "Eden" over the summer (it was not yet released). Natalie Wood appears in this "Fool", cast as the young woman Dean falls in love with. Ms. Wood would soon start filming "Rebel Without a Cause"; so, this is almost a "try-out" for "Rebel". In a completely unrelated event, "Fool" was re-made for PBS, in 1976, with Ron Howard and Amy Irving; although, Ms. Irving appeared almost simultaneously in William Bast's biography "James Dean".
In "I'm a Fool", Dean plays "The Boy" aka "Walter Mathers" alongside Eddie Albert's on-screen narration of the same character. It's an interesting, but not altogether successful, juxtaposition. Although each performs well, Dean and Albert do not truly seem like the same character. The play is also "impressionistic" in technique; for example, you will see characters walking around partial and painted sets. This does, at times, distract from the story, which concerns the consequences of Dean's lying to impress Wood's "Lucy Wessen". Wood performs exceptionally well with Dean, and they look great together; this was not a commonly found feature with Dean's female TV co-stars. Wood was wisely signed to appear with Dean on the big screen.
Though rendered slightly inaccessible in its state and style, the story is a good one. Albert and Dean convey the tragedy of foolishness. Roy Glenn (as Burt) is terrific in his supporting role. When this teleplay was repeated, on November 18, 1956, then host Ronald Reagan appeared in a new introduction, which included him saying "those of us who worked with Jimmy Dean." It seems like a foolish enough claim to include in the script; but, Mr. Reagan did co-star with Dean, in another television drama.
starrings: Natalie Wood, Reed Hadley, Robert Bice, James Flavin, Steven Geray, Gladys Holland
Directed by: Erie Kanton
Una adolescente es acusada de intento de asesinato y explica su historia sobre el dilema de su madre cuando su padre regresa de entre los muertos.
A teenager is accused of attempted murder and explains her story about her mother's delima when her father returns from the dead.
A una tímida profesora de un selecto colegio de señoritas se le pide que le haga un favor especial a una alumna rica. La alumna demuestra su gratitud planeando una broma pesada: el blanco, la profesora.
A timid teacher at an exclusive girls' finishing school is asked to do a special favor for a rich pupil. The pupil shows her gratitude by planning a practical joke-the butt, the teacher.
Written by Helene Hanff starring: John Barrymore Jr. ... Moses Natalie Wood ... Sephora and: Karen Sharpe, Douglas Dumbrille, Gertrude Michael
La historia cuenta la crianza de Moisés por parte de un faraón egipcio, su asesinato de un cruel capataz y su huida a Media, donde se casa. Cuando la voz de Dios proviene de la zarza ardiente, Moisés regresa a Egipto para liberar a su pueblo. Natalie Wood será la protagonista como la amada de Moisés cuando era joven. [RF]
*NOTA: El título también aparece como "La historia de Moisés".
Moisés es criado como nieto de un faraón egipcio y finalmente se entera de que es adoptado y judío. Después de matar accidentalmente a un cruel capataz que ha estado torturando a esclavos judíos, Moisés huye a Media, donde se casa, tiene dos hijos y se establece para llevar una vida rural feliz. Cuando la voz de Dios le habla desde la zarza ardiente, tiene una larga lucha con su conciencia, pero regresa a Egipto para liberar a su pueblo.
The story tells of Moses' upbringing by an Egyptian pharaoh, his killing of a cruel overseer and the flight to Media where he marries. When the voice of God comes from the burning bush he returns to Egypt to free his people. Natalie Wood will be featured as the beloved ot Moses when he was a young man. [RF]
*NOTE: Title also listed as "The Story of Moses".Moses is brought up as a grandson of an Egyptian pharaoh and finally learns that he is adopted and a Jew. After accidentally killing a cruel overseer who has been torturing Jewish slaves, Moses flees to Media, where he marries, has two sons and settles down to a happy rural life. When the voice of God speaks to him from the burning bush, he has a long struggle with his conscience but returns to Egypt to free his people.
Protagonizada por:
Thomas Mitchell como el alcalde Thomas Russell Natalie Wood como la sobrina del alcalde
Katheleen Freeman como Marilly, ama de llaves David Saber como Butch, Ward Jean Byron como Minnie Tudor Owen como Joe Ainsley Dirigida por John Rawlins
Thomas Mitchell as Mayor Thomas Russell Natalie Wood as Mayor's nieceKatheleen Freeman as Marilly, housekeeper David Saber as Butch, Ward Jean Byron as Minnie Tudor Owen as Joe Ainsley Directed by John Rawlins
Events in the life of Thomas Russell, Mayor of Springdale - a small American town.
HEIDI (1955)
cast: Jeannie Carson ........ Heidi Natalie Wood .......... Klara Sesseman Wally Cox ............. Peter Elsa Lanchester ....... Fraulein Rottenmeier Jo Van Fleet .......... Aunt Dete Richard Eastham ....... Grandfather Robert Clary .......... Eric Highlights
Directed by Max Liebman
Heidi, de ocho años, es huérfana y su egoísta tía materna, Dete, la lleva a las montañas para vivir con Adolph Kramer, su abuelo paterno, gruñón, viejo, marginado y superviviente. Heidi trae a su abuelo de regreso a la sociedad de la montaña con sus maneras angelicales, su amor puro y su adorable personalidad. Cuando la tía Dete se lleva a Heidi para que sea la compañera de la hija inválida de un hombre rico, el abuelo se enfurece y se propone recuperarla. De regreso en Frankfurt, amada y adorada por todos los que toca, excepto por la malvada ama de llaves, Fraulein Rottenmeier, prospera pero interiormente está muy triste y sola. No importa lo que le digan los demás, Heidi, con fe, esperanza y la terquedad que heredó de su abuelo, sabe que algún día se reunirá con él y con la querida gente del pequeño pueblo de la montaña.
Eight-year-old Heidi is orphaned and her selfish maternal Aunt Dete takes her to the mountains to live with Adolph Kramer, her grumpy, old, outcast, survivalist paternal grandfather. Heidi brings her grandfather back into mountain society through her angelic ways, sheer love, and adorable personality. When Aunt Dete steals Heidi away to be the companion of a rich man's invalid daughter, the grandfather is enraged and sets out to get her back. Back in Frankfurt, loved and adored by everyone she touches except the villainous housekeeper, Fraulein Rottenmeier, she thrives but is inwardly very sad and lonely. No matter what anyone tells her, Heidi, with faith, hope, and the stubbornness she inherited from her grandfather, knows that some day she will be reunited with the him and the beloved people of the mountain's little village.
Starring Charles Boyer ...... George Noreen Nash ........ Leonora Natalie Wood ....... Louise Gigi Perreau ....... Carlotta B.G. Norman ........ David Tommy Cook ......... Johnny William Walker ..... Uncle Sim Willa Pearl Curtis.. Aunt Cassie Barbara Stuart ..... Hostess Directed by William A. Seiter Producer Charles Boyer
Este es un episodio de "Four Star Playhouse", una serie antológica de los años 50 que utilizaba a cuatro actores famosos como protagonistas alternados en cada programa. Este en particular está protagonizado por Charles Boyer, un actor maravilloso que parecía un poco fuera de lugar en este programa tan apresurado.
La historia comienza con Boyer recién casado con una mujer. Sólo entonces ella revela que tiene hijos. Ahora bien, si lo piensas, esto tiene poco sentido: ¿cómo podría un hombre casarse con una mujer y no saber que ella tiene tres hijos adultos? De todos modos, la idea, aunque forzada, era viable SI el programa no hubiera sido tan apresurado y el final tan artificial. Verás, los niños son todos unos mocosos horribles y parece que llevará meses o años controlarlos. Sin embargo, el astuto Boyer, mediante el uso de la disciplina y la comprensión, es capaz de ganárselos con una rapidez que sorprendería a Mary Poppins. Ahora bien, si este programa no hubiera sido de media hora y se hubiera extendido a un formato más largo, podría haber funcionado. En cambio, es entretenido, pero muy, muy ligero. Una buena idea pero la ejecución dejó un poco que desear.
This is an episode of "Four Star Playhouse"--a 1950s anthology series that used four famous actors as alternating leads in each show. This particular one stars Charles Boyer--a wonderful actor who seemed a bit out of place in this very rushed show.
The story begins with Boyer having just married a woman. Only then does she reveal that she has children. Now, if you think about it, this makes little sense--how could a man actually marry a lady and not know she has three grown children?! Regardless, the idea, while strained, was workable IF the show hadn't been so rushed and the ending so contrived. You see, the kids are all horrible brats and it appears as if will take months or years to get them under control. However, the clever Boyer, through the use of discipline and understanding, is able to win them over with rapidity that would shock Mary Poppins! Now if this had not been a half hour show and stretched out to a longer format, it might have worked. Instead, it's entertaining but very, very slight. A good idea but the execution left a bit to be desired.
starring Natalie Wood ....... Polly Gookin Carleton Carpenter .......Feathertop Irene Tedrow, Dick Elliot, Emory Parnell, John Carlyle Directed by Don Medford
En la Nueva Inglaterra del siglo XVII, la bruja Madre Rigby construye un espantapájaros para proteger su jardín. Está tan encantada con su propia obra que caprichosamente decide darle vida al espantapájaros y enviarlo a la ciudad para cortejar a Polly Gookin, la hija del juez Gookin, con quien Madre Rigby había tenido tratos previos no especificados. Una vez que el hombre disecado cobra vida, Madre Rigby le da la apariencia de un ser humano normal y una pipa, de la que el espantapájaros debe fumar para mantenerse con vida.
El juez Gookin conoce al espantapájaros, a quien Madre Rigby ha llamado Feathertop. Feathertop es presentada a Polly y las dos comienzan a enamorarse. Pero cuando Polly y Feathertop se miran en un espejo embrujado, ven a Feathertop reflejado como un espantapájaros, no como un hombre. Polly se desmaya y el espantapájaros, ahora aterrorizado y angustiado, corre hacia donde se encuentra la madre Rigby, donde, sabiendo quién es en realidad, tira deliberadamente su pipa y se derrumba en un montón sin vida. La madre Rigby reflexiona: "Hay miles y miles de farsantes y charlatanes en el mundo, formados por un montón de basura desgastada, olvidada e inútil como él. Sin embargo, viven con buena reputación y nunca se ven a sí mismos como lo que son", y decide que su "hijo" está mejor como un simple espantapájaros.
In seventeenth century New England, the witch Mother Rigby builds a scarecrow to protect her garden. She is so taken with her own handiwork that she whimsically decides to bring the scarecrow to life and send it into town to woo Polly Gookin, the daughter of Judge Gookin, with whom Mother Rigby had unspecified prior dealings. Once the stuffed man does come alive, Mother Rigby gives him the appearance of a normal human being - and a pipe, on which the scarecrow must puff to keep himself alive.
Judge Gookin meets the scarecrow, whom Mother Rigby has named Feathertop. Feathertop is introduced to Polly, and the two begin to fall in love. But when Polly and Feathertop gaze into a bewitched mirror, they see Feathertop reflected as a scarecrow, not as a man. Polly faints, and the now-terrified and anguished scarecrow rushes back to Mother Rigby, where, knowing himself for what he really is, he deliberately throws away his pipe and collapses in a lifeless heap. Mother Rigby reflects, "There are thousands upon thousands of coxcombs and charlatans in the world, made up of just such a jumble of wornout, forgotten, and good-for-nothing trash as he was! Yet they live in fair repute, and never see themselves for what they are," and decides that her "son" is better off as merely a scarecrow.
starring Natalie Wood ........... Jen Potter Luke Halpin ........... Brucie Frank McHugh ........... Horace Potter And: ...........Betty Furness Directed by Franklin Schaffner
Brucie y su hermana mayor, Jen, son dos de los cinco hijos que se enfrentan a la separación y el alejamiento de la granja familiar tras la muerte de su padre.
Dramatic anthology series which ran on CBS for ten years from 1948 until 1958. The episodes were often abridged remakes of movies from years gone by and many future well-known television and movie actors appeared in the productions.
Brucie and his big sister, Jen, are two of five children who face separation and removal from the family farm after their father's death.
starring Laraine Day ....... Marge Ramsay Franchot Tone ....... Mike Ramsay Natalie Wood ....... Polly Tommy Cook ...... Ed Joyce Coates ....... Betty Mae Clark Directed by Fred F. Sears
Los padres están preocupados porque su hija adolescente no tiene pareja para el baile de gala de su escuela. Ella les asegura que tiene un chico llamado Al en la lista. Recordando que "Al" era el nombre de su amigo imaginario de la infancia, el padre hace arreglos para que uno de los chicos de la oficina la acompañe. Resulta que Al realmente existe.
Parents are concerned that their teen-aged daughter doesn't have a date for her school's formal dance. She assures them she has a boy named Al all lined up. Recalling that "Al" was the name of her imaginary childhood friend, Dad arranges for one of the boys from the office to escort her. It turns out that Al really does exist.
Natalie Wood, Jack Kelly, Gig Young, Nan Leslie, Robert Horton
Cuando un joven deja el ejército y entra en la vida civil, se amarga con su autoritaria esposa, que ya ha planeado toda su vida sin ningún aporte de su parte.
As a young man steps out of the military and into civilian life, he becomes bitter with his overbearing wife who has already charted out his entire life, without any input from him.
starring: Jessica Tandy, Hume Cronyn, Natalie Wood
Una pareja se enamora durante un largo viaje por mar.
A couple fall in love during a long sea voyage.
Directed by George Roy Hills
Una joven se entera de que su padre es un ladrón.
Las complicaciones surgen cuando un locuaz pregonero de feria se enamora de una mujer de la alta sociedad.
La exnovia del pregonero, una bailarina de feria, no queda muy impresionada.
A young woman learns that her father is a thief.
Complications ensue when a fast-talking carnival barker falls in love with a socialite.
The barker's former sweetheart, a carnival dancer, is not favorably impressed.
Jacques Sernas, Natalie Wood, Mary Ellen Kay, Torin Thatcher, Geoffrey Toone
Directed by Don Weis
Natalie Wood, James Garner, Charles Ruggles, Joseph Kearns, Murray Hamilton
Directed by John Rich
Natalie Wood, James Garner, Charles Ruggles, Joseph Kearns, Murray Hamilton
Directed by John Rich
Natalie Wood, John Houseman, François Truffaut, Nicholas Ray, Tom Farrell
Natalie Wood, Robert Wagner, Bruce Davison, Jamie Smith-Jackson, Pat Harrington Jr., Paul Ryan Directed by Gilbert Cates
Natalie Wood, Robert Wagner, Laurence Olivier, Maureen Staplenton, Jack Hedley, Mary Peach Directed by Robert Moore, Produced by Laurence Olivier
Natalie Wood, William Devane, Steve Railsback, Kim Basinger, Joe Pantoliano, Roy Thinnes, Peter Boyle, Andy Griffith, Will Sampson, Salomé Jens, Richard Venture Directed by Buzz Kulik
Natalie Wood, Perry King, Peter Haskell, Juliet Mills, Vivian Blaine, Shelley Long Directed by Burt Brinckerhoff
Natalie Wood and Peter Ustinov
Natalie Wood, Ralph Bellamy, Robert Foxworth, Roddy McDowall, Bradford Dillman, Jean Pierre Aumont, Peter Graves, Mel Ferrer, Morgan Fairchild Directed by Walter Grauman
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